Many people say that her daughter is horrible: the mother answers them tit for tat

Taking care of their children, hoping that nothing bad happens to them and protecting them from any outside «attack» is the goal of any parent. All over the world, mothers and fathers are ready to do anything to defend their children, especially when they are small, defenseless and unaware of what is happening around them.

The story we are about to tell you is an example of this. A story in which a mother was forced to defend her almost 2-year-old daughter when she was harshly attacked on the web because of a physical peculiarity.

Marianna Bowering is a 27-year-old woman who lives in Adelaide, South Australia, with her husband and children, including eldest daughter Angelica Rose. It is the latter that has been the center of attention for having been the subject of much criticism.



The little girl has a heart-shaped birthmark on her face, which characterizes her features and which her parents consider special. «It’s a particularity that makes her unique, it’s her mark of a superheroine. We are very proud of her and we find her magnificent, but not everyone agrees,» said her mother. Marianna.

Apparently, the woman posted photos of her daughter on social networks, which did not receive positive comments, quite the contrary. Many lashed out at the little girl, mocking and insulting her.

«Looks like she got hit with a frying pan»; “When she grows up, she will never find a boyfriend in this state”; «You shouldn’t have let her play with hot water» — and so on, with many other derogatory words directed at her.

The little girl’s mother and father didn’t take it well, but didn’t let the meanness affect them too much: «They make fun of a little girl who is only two years old, they don’t don’t even realize it. It’s disgusting behavior,» the young mother wrote.

Indeed, it is not pleasant to know that there are adults who do not accept the characteristics of a child to the point of giving free rein to what they think, without worrying about the sensitivities of others. . These are real disrespects that hurt, but that must be taken into account. Marianna understood that they should not be taken too seriously and that they do not deserve too much attention. After all, the important thing for her and her husband is that little Angelica is well and that she has nothing serious.

Such a birthmark, apart from its aesthetic appearance, could indeed lead to other health problems, but according to the research carried out, it seems that this wonderful little girl has no complications and can live peacefully with her family. . Luckily, that birthmark only makes her even more beautiful and special, don’t you think?

It only remains for us to wish him the best for the future and a wonderful life.

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